Audit Committee
Dr. Wirawan, S.E, Ak, S.H, M.H, MSi, CPA, CPI, BKP
Indonesian citizen, 65 years old. Domiciled in Jakarta – Indonesia. Appointed as Chair of the Company's Audit Committee based on Board of Commissioners Decree No. 01/DK-EST/XI/23 dated 1 November 2023, replacing Drs. Aryanto Agus Mulyo.Have the following educational background:
- Bachelor of economics majoring in accounting at the University of Indonesia
- Master of science in tax administration at the University of Indonesia
- Business management doctoral program in accounting at Padjadjaran University
- Master's program in business law at Padjadjaran University
Currently he also serves as Independent Commissioner of the Company.
He has no financial, share ownership and/or family relationships with other members of the Board of Commissioners, other members of the Board of Directors, and/or controlling shareholders of the company.
Noeniek Herliani, S.E. Ak., M.M
Indonesian citizen, 67 years old. Domiciled in Jakarta – Indonesia. Serves as Member of the Audit Committee (as an Independent Party) based on appointment letter dated March 2 2021.Have the following educational background:
- Bachelor's degree in economics at University of Indonesia
- Master of Management Master at PPM College
Dr. Timotius, Ak., CA
Indonesian citizen, 65 years old, domiciled in Jakarta - Indonesia.He obtained a Doctor of Agriculture Economics degree from the Bogor Agricultural Institute in 2000, a Master of Management degree from the University of Indonesia in 1990, and a Bachelor of Accounting degree from the University of Indonesia in 1992 and a Bachelor of Financial Management degree from the University of Indonesia in 1984.
Serves as Member of the Audit Committee (as an Independent Party) of the Company based on Board of Commissioners Decree No. 01/DK-EST/XI/23 dated 1 November 2023.
Currently he also serves as:
- Independent Commissioner and Audit Committee Chief of PT Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk
- Audit Committee of PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk
- Audit Committee of PT Indofood CBP Tbk
- Audit Committee of PT Indoritel Tbk
- Audit Committee of PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk
- Audit Committee of PT Bank Permata Tbk